The Leading Locksmith in Teignbridge

Teign Locks is your local locksmith company that will replace and fix your locks and provide new keys to ensure your continued security.
We will make good your doors and windows after gaining entry. We are extremely reliable and trustworthy. Our employees are trained to the highest standard and are able to skilfully gain entry to your property should you be locked out. We have experience in joinery which enables us to finish a job to a very high standard.

Teign Locks was established by Tim Ford in 2011 and the company is now the primary locksmith within the Teignbridge area.
Tim brings many skills from a carpentry background to the business, having worked for the NHS for 23 years.
Teign Locks derives it’s name from the picturesque Teign estuary which is emphasised in many of the local village and town names of the area.
The business is based in Newton Abbot which is a central location for the Teignbridge district and enables us to cover the area in a timely and efficient way.

The business has grown, through hard work and commitment, and has exceeded expectations and now covers a wide variety of mechanical locking systems within the Teignbridge district and beyond to other areas of Devon.
We are working with local councils, such as the Teignbridge council and the Devon County Council. We work with Schools, Solicitors, Letting Agents, Holiday Parks and have even on occasions worked for the Police force.
We also work with many domestic customers who require a locksmith service, including windows, doors and security requirements.
We are afforded a high degree of customer satisfaction and repeat business from our varied customer base.


New Keys? Not a Problem.


Lock Replacements


Minor Work Undertaken


Make Good After Completion Of Work


  • Universal Flipper
  • Universal Bubble
  • Flipper
  • Bubble
  • E – Gasket
  • Foam
  • Aquatex


  • Stormguard
  • Slide in Brush Plate
  • Self Adhesive Brush Plate
  • Woven Brush Plate